Metro Milwaukee Nurse Practitioners - Est. 1993

MMNP update

Posted almost 11 years ago by Brenda Van Roosenbeek

Dear MMNP members,

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Brenda Van Roosenbeek. I am the new acting MMNP President. First of all, I would like to thank Megan Drew for all of her hard work over the past years. The board recently held a meeting to discuss many topics. We have a lot of exciting areas of interest we would like to share with you.

1) Grant monies available- a separate announcement will be posted with details/deadlines soon.

2) Networking opportunities- many of our members would like to see more networking. We would like to plan our first networking event in June or July. We are looking for ideas on where to hold the meeting. We would like something cost effective. i.e. a community center, hospital/clinic, etc. Snacks will be provided. If anyone has any ideas on topics for discussion or locations/connections for meetings, we would appreciate your help. Please send me an email.

3) We have decided to move forward and partake in AANP's Organization Membership and the benefits it will provide to our organization, while keeping us independent yet helping us to grow. Benefits include: Networking opportunities, continuing education/pharmacology credits: up to 12 CE programs of eight contact hours, advocacy and representation at National level, and a $10.00 discount off of AANP's annual individual membership by being an active MMNP member and mentioning MMNP's name. We have the paperwork, will process it, and wait for approval. As soon as approval is obtained, I will send out an update.

4) Updating the bylaws and voting them in by end of June. All board members will be held to all new bylaws. Additional responsibilites may be added to certain positions as applicable.

5) Board positions available for upcoming election. Available positions: President Elect (1 year position) will be responsible for formulating nominations and/or establishing a nomination committee. Assists the President with other duties as necessary. If President is unable to fulfill duties of the office, the President-Elect shall assume the responsibilites of the President, completing the current term plus the next full term.

Program chair (1 year position) will be responsible for arranging program meetings. (Keep in mind there is a CE committee also who will be organizing and running CE programs. This will help with workload). Outgoing program chair would be willing to show the new program chair the ropes. 

Secretary  (2 year position) will be responsible for taking minutes at all business meetings. Update the membership directory and listings. Help with informational updates to website as applicable. (Filled postions: President (1), CE committee (3 members).

All nominations must include a brief (one or two paragraph) biography about the nominee. Please feel free to nominate yourself or another ACTIVE member. With all of the exciting events happening in the future of MMNP, this would be a great way to become a part of the action. Please email me your nominations by June 30th. A final ballot will be distributed to all members via email the first week of July. Members will have until July 31st to vote. Election results will be announced at annual membership meeting in August. (Date to be determined). New board members will be introduced at that time. (Remember ANCC recertification guidelines reward 75 CEUs for holding office in a professional organization).

6) Please renew your MMNP membership dues online on or after June 1st for the upcoming 2013-2014 year. Annual membership is good from June 1st 2013 to May 31st 2014.

7) Annual membership meeting will be held in August. (Location, Date, and Time to be determined).

I look forward to meeting all of you at the annual meeting and serving as your President for the upcoming year. Please contact me via email at with any questions, comments or concerns. Thanks.
